• Online courses for education and early childhood professionals

    This site provides a range of free, online professional learning opportunities for teachers and early childhood professionals across Australia. Certificates of completion are provided for each course and can be used toward your professional learning record. 

Available courses

Welcome to the ABLES course for Victorian Catholic schools. If you do not work in a Victorian Catholic school, please return to the home page and select the correct course for your jurisdiction.

To join the course, enter the enrolment key that you would have received from the Course Administrator, then click the 'Enrol me' button below. If you're not sure where to find the enrolment key, you can contact the Course Administrator here

Welcome to the ABLES course for Western Australian schools. If you do not work in a Western Australian school, please return to the home page and select the correct course for your jurisdiction.

To join the course, enter the enrolment key that you would have received from the Course Administrator, then click the 'Enrol me' button below. If you're not sure where to find the enrolment key, you can contact the ABLEWA helpdesk.